Demonstrator 2010 Wedding Workshop Up Date/
Blog Re-design/Easter Treat
Hi All:
First yes I am still alive and I didn't fall off the planet, second it is certainly wedding season and I am super busy and lov'n every minute of it. Over the next month I will have several wedding posts. I don't like to post my designs for any upcoming wedding until it is been sent by the bride and groom so that everything is kept a secret, so look forward to some beautiful pieces.
Demonstrator 2010 Wedding Workshop Give Away!
Next I will be doing a give away based on those who participated in my Demonstrator Workshop in Feb whether you attended or ordered you have an opportunity of WINNING so make sure you check in often or subscribe to my blog.
Demonstrator 2010 Wedding Workshop Fun Stats!
Just to give you an idea of what doing this workshop and kits To-Go was like here are a few numbers that might make your head spin! This is based on 30 orders 22 kits To-Go and 8 people who attended the workshop.
What does 30 orders mean?
- 4 different design 30 times which works out to be 120 individual kits:
- In each kit there are 12 pieces
- 120 individual kits x 12 pieces works out to be 1440 pieces
- 1440 pieces that need to be cut, assembled, and or stamped
Wow that's a lot of paper, cutting, stamping and assembling.
Wedding 2010 Wedding Workshop Q and A
A lot of you who purchased my kit had some really good questions and I am combining all those questions to one post so that we can share with everyone, so look forward to that coming in the next few weeks also.
Blog Re-Design
So over that past week I tried to update my blog to make it more easier a few things that I have changed is the layout, all of my wedding designs from now on will be on the left hand side and instead text will be a thumbnail of the different designs, currently I don't have everything up but that will be updated soon. On the right hand side I will post everything else like Stampin' Up's catalog, minis and any other items of interest. Look for more changes coming in the next few months.
Easter Treats for the Sweets at Work!
Here are some cute little treats that I created for my staff and my adopted staff, these are super cute and sweet too, Happy Easter everyone!